Sunday, April 6, 2008

Second Life

When I first read the article 'Your Second Life Is Ready' by Murdoch, Hall, and Getty, I realized that there was a whole new world of what I called gaming. I was familiar with the World of Warcraft and the other online games and never really thought much of wasting my time on these sites. That was until I loaded Second Life and started navigating around the site. Once I completed the first four required tasks, I started flying my avatar around, as shown in the picture. I found that this game if you want to call it that, was very entertaining. Soon I found or I should say they found me and I was making friends. The chat feature was nice and I soon realized that more than an hour had gone by. I don't know if this is really the best use of my time at this point. I have kids to feed and a wife that I want to spend real time with plus the many other aspects of having a family. I know this game or world could get very addictive very quickly and I could see myself escaping the real world to play around in this second world. I will visit this online escape from time to time just to see what different roles I can play and discover. I am amazed at the many aspects of it. The one thing that did creep me out was the way naked people seem to come and go. Just a tad weird for me.


Unknown said...

I definitely agree with you. At first, I didn't see this Second Life as a thing for me. But, once I got a hang of it, it was so easy to get wrapped up and glued to the screen. An hour quickly went by as I was just exploring while my homework went untouched. Second Life is a fun activity to participate in, but I have come to realize that it's important to set time limits for oneself to use it, otherwise your first life will just pass you by!

alyssa said...

I definitely agree with you. At first, I didn't see this Second Life as a thing for me. But, once I got a hang of it, it was so easy to get wrapped up and glued to the screen. An hour quickly went by as I was just exploring while my homework went untouched. Second Life is a fun activity to participate in, but I have come to realize that it's important to set time limits for oneself to use it, otherwise your first life will just pass you by!

colleen said...

Great that you met people and chatted. I find that I'm as shy in SL as I am in first life, so I tend to go to lectures, live music, etc alone.

I think it would be more addictive for me if I met up with friends there.